Biofunctional Finding Organization, NPO
The Humanic Science Abstract (HSA)
ONLINE ISSN 2436-1089
Research journal on Humanic Science(OA:1~2/year)
The Humanic Science Abstract (HSA) will publish excellent Humanic Science research and publish papers that contribute to people's lives widely and promptly.
≪Contact Us≫
Biofunctional Finding Organization, NPO (BFO)
1-1, hibino, mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba-ken, Japan, 261-0021
● About the Journal
The Humanic Science Abstract (HSA) will publish excellent Humanic Science research and publish papers that contribute to people's lives widely and promptly.
Issuing authority Biofunctional Finding Organization, NPO (BFO) 1-1, hibino, mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba-ken, Japan, 261-0021
Editor in Chief KIYOKAWA Takuma, Tohto University
Associate Editors NEMOTO Seiji, Tohto University / KINOSHITA Hiroe, Tohto University
● Copyright Guidelines
The submitted manuscript should be certified that ① it is not copyrighted, ② it is not under review by any journal, and ③ it has not been accepted for / published in any journal.
All copyright of the paper is reserved by Biofunctional Finding Organization, NPO (BFO) after the final version of manuscript is submitted. During the referee process, all copyright is reserved by Biofunctional Finding Organization, NPO (BFO). If the paper is rejected, all copyright is returned to the authors. If the paper is accepted, all copyright is reserved by Biofunctional Finding Organization, NPO (BFO). The author is required to transfer copyright of his or her paper to Biofunctional Finding Organization, NPO (BFO), however, he or she still reserves the right to use all or part of the paper in future works which he or she may write.
● Instructions for the Authors
We require you to submit your paper as a full paper electronically in PDF format. You will need to submit a HSA Sheet and a full paper. The official language of the journal is English. Please use a consistent spelling style throughout the paper. Poor English will be a reason for rejection of the paper.
(1) Letter
A paper that is highly breaking news and requires novelty. [500-2,000 words:500 words/A4]
(2) Short note
An article that is not as novel or objective as an original work or research report, but is very effective. [500-2,000 words:500 words/A4]
※Add a page number. Each figure is equivalent to 165 words.