Biofunctional Finding Organization, NPO
How to JOIN
● There are four types of members of the Biofunctional Finding Organization, NPO: Regular Members, Honorary Members, Student Members, and Supporting Members.
● Admission fees (A) and Membership fees (M) are required according to each member type.
(1) Regular Members (A: JPY5,000 / M: JPY5,000)
Individuals and organizations that have joined the purpose of this corporation.
正会員 この法人の目的に賛同して入会した個人及び団体
(2) Honorary Members (A: JPY0 / M: JPY0)
Individuals and groups that have been promoted to the Board of Directors who have made significant contributions to human biological functions and related fields or the progress and development of this corporation.
名誉会員 ヒトの生体機能及びその関連分野もしくはこの法人の進歩および発展に著しく貢献し、理事会に推挙された個人及び団体
(3) Student Members (A: JPY1,000 / M: JPY1,000)
Individuals who have the status of a student who has joined the purpose of this corporation.
学生会員 この法人の目的に賛同して入会した学生の身分を有する個人
(4) Supporting Members (A: JPY10,000 / M: JPY10,000/1 unit, One or more unit)
Individuals and organizations that have joined the purpose of this corporation and have joined to support the activities.
賛助会員 この法人の目的に賛同し、活動を支援するために入会した個人及び団体
●HOW to JOIN us.
1: Download the membership withdrawal notice, fill in the necessary information (handwritten on the input or output directly), and attach it to the following email address in PDF format. Please write “BFO Admission Application” in the subject line of the email.
2: A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you within one week after you apply. When you receive the e-mail, please pay the designated financial institution together with the admission fee and membership fee. We will use the designated financial institution's transfer certificate as a receipt. Or take it directly to the secretariat. We will issue a receipt.
【記号】10500 【番号】93149501
【店名】〇五八 ※読みは「ゼロゴハチ」
【店番】058 【預金種目】普通預金 【口座番号】9314950
1. Please make a transfer indicating that you have made a donation to the designated financial institution. If you donate, please let us know in advance by email.
2. Take it directly to the secretariat.